The Leica M4 camera, was introduced in 1967 at serial
number 1175001 and production ceased in 1975 at serial number 1443170.
Basically its appearance is closest
to the M3, however the rewind is slanted at an angle to clear the
Leicameter MR 4 push lever and has a fold away winder lever attached; the
frame selector and the delayed action levers are rectangular with a black
plastic in fill, next the lens release button has no guard around.
Catalogue number 10400(chrome), 10402 (black), 10401 (mot).
Incorporated on the M4, as fitted on the M2’s supplied to the Luftwaffe in 1960 are bright line finders for the 35, 50, 90 and 135mm focal lengths as is the 3 prong rapid loading system of the M2R. Lot of variations are found for the M4, some were built in Midland, Canada.
Here I tried to duplicate the picture inside the M4 introduction booklet (12page) 1973 published, showing the Leica system.