Single exposure and reproduction devices

Single film holder for models Ic, If, IIc, IIf, IIIc, and IIIf : FCKOO for earlier models FHKOO (base plate without film guide finger is required)



Single exposure devices  :

These accessories were introduced by Leitz to give "the LEICA owner the possibility of making greater use of his set of lens".

They were available in Germany in both versions in 1934. The device consisted of a cast alloy housing finished in black crackle enamel, circular in shape but with a right angle corner to provide tripod bushes for vertical and horizontal formats.
the lens screwed in the front and the back accepted the circular glass ground screen or the dark slide with a single frame length of film.
A separate IBSOR" shutter was provided to fit on the front of the lens.

An accessories shoe took one of the Leitz viewfinders.


The OLIGO with large shutter Ibsor and nickel Elmar,

The OLEYO with small shutter Ibsor and nickel Elmar ,


After focus was done on the rear focusing glass, this one was removed and replaced by the film loaded plate.

Note different fixing and form for single exposure plates. They found also their use by photograph's shops for passport type pictures or for testing film.


Genuine box for above items

CLOSE-UP  Attachments - Supplementary front lenses.

Supplementary fron lenses for close up works were available at least from 1928. The following were listed
                    ELMAR 5cm                             HEKTOR 5cm                     ELMAR Compur Mod. B              Reduction ratio       Distance range cm

N°1              ELPRO                                     HEPRO                                ELCAT                                            1 : 9                         100  -  55

N°2              ELPIK                                       HEPIK                                 ELCOM                                          1 : 6                           54  -  39

N°3              ELPET                                       HEPET                                 ECUR                                             1 : 3.6                        33  -  26.5

The elmar front lenses were available until around 1958

Illustrations : ELPRO, ELPIK ELPET and HEPRO, HEPIK, HEPET supplementary front lenses with their respectives carton boxes.





Rotating focusing stage OORES for technical and scientific works as well for amateurs macro photographers.

1934 Universal reproduction apparatus early model with only one lens mount, shown in leather and metal carrying case, note that 30x magnifying lens & viewfinder are early form sliding in.


In carrying case :



In use on TOOUG tripod

Large tilt head KGOON early type

OORES rotating stage.

Leica Standard camera body, black paint, ALVOO, secured by a bar pressed across its back by a spring loaded arm.

ZWTOO intermediate thread focusing mount for 5 cm ELMAR for focusing from infinity to 1:6 reproduction ratio.

LOOCG simple 5x magnifier nickel viewfinder.

LWHOO 30x black and nickel magnifier in the carrying case.
Extra intermediate rings, B & C engraved, for different reproduction ratio.

In focusing position :

In exposing position

OORES second model twin lens mount 1937  this model has a bayonet mount on reflex housing for viewfinders.

Illustration OORES II fixed by the same items as OORES shown above but with
ZWTOO (1936) Intermediate thread focusing mount for 5cm Elmar for focusing from oo to 16 1/2" (1:6)
BOOXZ (1936) Intermediate ring "B" 7mm for reductions 1:3to 1:2.5 or 1:5 to 1:4 in conjunction with ZWTOO
MOOBG (1936) Intermediate ring "M1:2", 16mm for reduction ratio 1:2
MOODH (1936)  Intermediate ring "M1:1.5", 24.5mm for reduction ratio 1:1.5
MOOGW (1936) Intermediate ring "M1:1", 41mm for reduction ratio 1:1

On the opposite side an Elmar 4/90 lens head on a Universal Repro short focusing mount COOED (1938)


In the copying equipment the OMEXO is enough “exotic” to be the choice for illustrating the copying equipment family.

It was conceived to be able to copy un transportable elements so it had to be transportable by himself.




Using standard Leica screw threads.

The OOZAB  Wetzlar first system (1938 - 1951) Camera held by single bar on spring loaded arm,

Illustration a 1938 model, nickel plated

Illustration a 1951 model, chrome plated

The FULDY New York US Patent 1996441 (1932 - 1938)


Early model with arm tighted by screwing the top nutch not springed as the OOZAB, black painted support of viewfinder.

and the late model Leitz New York Inc. printed  box, shown also the key to use on the rotating thread to fix the camera on the focusing copy attachment.

The OOZAB  Wetzlar second system (1951 - 1957) H shaped camera clamping bar. with adjustable positioning bar
Modified shaft of clamping bar to clear flash gun bracket lug  on f - model Leicas.

The OOZAB - G  (1957) as the OOZAB but able to accept the Leica III g body.

Illustration  : OOZAB - G

Using "N" threads

The OOBAZ / 16607 (1958) Wetzlar final système for all screw Leica's. Heavier construction than former models with rounded edges to body. New 51 mm "N" lens screw mount for  a new range of helical focusing mounts and "N" Repro extension tube. Hence would not accept screw lenses directly or later accessories

Illustration : OOBAZ   (Phillipe D. leg)

The OUTGU (1957) For M's camera. Other features similar to OOBAZ

Illustration : OUTGU

The ROOAI /16770 (1951) stage for Reprovit II Bellows operated by rack and pinions for focusing. Can be removed from Reprovit and used on tripod for focusing up to infinity. Screw mount.

Illustration :


Illustration with the OUTSO / 16750 (1951) projection head to fit ground glass focusing screens of Focoslide or Reprovit's for focusing and indication of the field covered

Helical focusing mounts : First Wetzlar system

L : ZOOXY (1951) for continuous focusing with the Elmar 3.5/50 from 1m to 23 cm (3.5 ft to 9 inch.)

                                        : Final Wetzlar system using "N" thread

R : VSPOO /16685 (1956) with screw adaptor ring 4, for lens unit of 50mm Summicron (1:60 to 1: 2.2)