Leica IIf 

1951, one year after the IIIf issue, Leitz introduced the Leica IIf camera model, with camera serial number 451001, basically a Leica IIIf with the slow shutter speeds omitted, their location being covered by a circular vulcanite trim.
Cameras made in 1951 with serial numbers between 451001 - 455000 and those of 1952 with serial numbers 570001 - 574400 have a black finish synchronization engraving. Cameras from number 574401 until production terminated at number 822000 have a red synchronization dial.
The accessory shoe is reduced to a spring blade fixed by two screws.

The catalogue code word was LUOON.

Three different types : Black Dial number, maximum speed 1/500, Red Dial number, maximum speed 1/500 and Red Dial number, maximum speed 1/1000.

The first illustrated is a Leica IIf camera Black Dial number, maximum speed 1/500.
With Elmar 3.5/50 Red Dial lens (note the first model with rhombus shape of the reference point on the lens flange), SBOOI, 5cm mirror reflecting type viewfinder, second model with gripping grooves, 5cm engraved, but no black paint ring at the rear, with leather case COOYA, ever ready case ESFUS. Light meter Leicameter 2, from Metrawatt, METWMT, with incident light screen on and leather case, Elmar 4/90 lens, ELANG, with chrome front ring, A36 type, with leather case ETINI, SVGOO mirror reflecting type viewfinder, first type, 9cm engraved in feet scale with CPBOO leather case.

The second illustrated is a Red Dial numbers, maximum speed 1/1000 with Elmar 3.5/50  Red Scale  lens, second model with triangle shape of the reference point on the lens flange, Leicavit, rapid winder SYOOM with red box, light meter Leicameter 3, from Metrawatt, METTNC, with leather case. Ever ready case for Leica with fitted rapid winder  EPZOO, Film trimming template ABLON and film cutting knife ABCOO with leather case,  aluminum container for a film cassette DRXOO, and instructions leaflet for If, IIf, IIIf models.