The Leica R6.2

The Leica R6.2 is an improved version of the R6. Its main additional feature is a fastest and extra shutter speed of 1/2000 sec. The exposure counter has been relocated to a position adjacent to the metering selector switch and is now under a magnifier for easier reading. Internally, the shutter speed blade mechanism is improved, with reduced weight and the shutter control mechanism provides a tighter control of the selected shutter speed.

There is an electronic self timer but requires the use of a battery.

Production control 1992 - 2002.

Total production  8549 in black, 8999 in chrome.

Catalogue number  10074

Models were produced in satin chrome and in black chrome.

Illustration with a
R6.2 in
silver chrome version

Illustration with a R6.2 in black  chrome version